HOPPY MEEEE!! This is my 10 months ampuversary and I am still going strong. My mom loves me more every day and she is driving me out of my mind! Still trying to get me to lose weight, she is feeding me less and making me EXERCISE (is she totally NUTS?)!! I keep TELLING her that I NEED these treats but she just will not cooperate. On the upside though, I get to go to Day Care a little more often and I am LOVING that. There are lots of hoomans at Day Care and they tell me I am cute. I love hearing that… especially from the other pawrents when they say it in front of their own dogs! I smile when they get jealous.
My Mom had her Birthday this week and I got the cake!!! She made one cake for us (without frosting) but then her friends gave her cupcakes 2 days in a row… so much for our weight loss for this week. I don’t go back to the doctor until April 3 so I still have some time. Pleeease!!! Everyone PRAY for meeee – that I have lost a few pounds and that my Xray remains clear!! Mom will keep everyone posted about me. I am on Instagram, too – 3leggedthurston. Hooman Mom is wonderful but she is not very creative with Social Media. I want to become an “Influencer” but I don’t see THAT happening as long as SHE is in charge! LOL!
Wonderful Wishes to all the Tripawds and their Hoomans! Hugs and sloppy kisses til next time!!