Hello! It’s meeee again with good news from my doctor visit today. Dr. Magee at University of Wisconsin says my chest X-Ray is normal! and that I am doing really well! My weight is 157 pounds so I am down about 4 pounds! Wheehoo! My Hoomama is sooo hoppy she promised me the Blue Bunny will bring me ice cream to celebrate. But she said NOT TODAY! I did get my usual McDonalds, tho.

My one year CHEMOVERSARY was 7/26 so I got a special dinner (as always) but NO Blue Bunny Ice Cream! Sometimes I think Mom forgets – on purpose – because of my weight.
My BIRTHDAY IS August 31 and I will be 7 YEARS OLD! MY Hoomama AND my Oncologist are sure.
I AM GONNA MAKE IT! Mom has already started working on my presents! She loves me sooo much that she always gives me lots of goodies! Here’s the first of my many gifts to come! This was already MY car, but now Mom is decorating it! She is also gonna decorate the wall above my bed, but she hasn’t given me that stuff yet. PAWTY TIME 8/31 and there WILL BE cake and Blue Bunny! More news soon! Love and sloppy kisses from MEEEEE! More news soon – more gifts and BIRTHDAY PAWTY with HATS!