Hi Everyone! It’s meee celebrating my 8th Birthday in a Very Big way!! I got cake and LOTS of presents and lots of love and kisses and hugs til I was ready to vomit but WOW!!! Hoomama and My Bestie Friend REALLY did it THIS time!! WOW!!

Sonny, my very very best buddy on the whole Earth surprised me with a visit – Hoomama didn’t tell me he was coming, even!!! Then He comes in and says Hoppy Birthday to me and says, “Let’s go!”
“Go?” I thought – where?? “Oh – Noooo! Not to the vet, PLEASE!!!”
“LOOK!!! Its a CONVERTIBLE!! and its a BMW Convertible!!!” and its with my Hoomama and my Bestie and WITHOUT that other dog that lives in MY house!!

I got to go for a long ride and then we got McDonalds which is my favorite treat -besides Blue Bunny Ice Cream and birthday cake and sweet potatoes and steak and chicken and a whole bunch of other things! LOL!

This was the Pawesomest Birthday EVER!! I got to ride in a BMW Convertible, got a visit with my Best Buddy, my favorite food, cake treats, presents and my Hoomama all to myself!! I am pretty sure that somebuddy luffs meeeee!!
Hugs and sloppy kisses to all! I am doing just great! I am REALLY enjoying my Tripawd Life and Hoomama and I are VERY GRATEFUL to God for all that he has given us. Love to all! Thanks to Sonny for the very best day ever!!!!