Hoppy Ampuversary to meeee! My mom is getting stingy with the presents and treats. She said with my birthday and Gotcha Day I don’t deserve ANY more presents or cake or party hats. Not even waffles today! All I got was a bully stick and everyone KNOWS what those are made of. That is so NOT a celebration treat! My mom is worried that I may be getting fat. Everyone but HER knows that it is MUSCLE!
I am posting to tell the world the truth. Enough of this fake news! My Mom is WRONG!! and she knows it! All I had to do was look at her with my big floppy brown eyes (which NEVER show up in pictures) and her heart melts. So today I am having pulled pork sliders and I’m not sure yet, but there MAY be a cake going into the oven later. I did tell her that I can do without the party hat tho.
She is still letting me sleep in her bed. HaHa! I have her trained really well. I take up 3/4 of the bed and then I kick her all night while I am dreaming that I am chasing squirrels. She gets a little mad with me when I get up during the night. I told her I can’t stay in that bed all night with her electric blanket on… she turned it off! Guess she loves me after all.
We go to back to the University of Wisconsin on December 6 for X-rays and recheck. I can use a few prayers, please! My mom is starting to show signs of concern. She will get much worse as the date draws nearer. OK, back to my nap, now. Woof Woof and hugs, hair and slobber to all! I cant wait for Thanksgiving. My mom has soooo much to be thankful for cause I AM HOPPY! I can almost smell that turkey and I am plotting how to steal it off the counter!