I am Gloria, a retired RN and Single Pawrent of Thurston Howell IV, a 6 year old St. Bernard who was diagnosed with osteosarcoma 4/22/18 and amputated 5/11/18. He has finished 4 rounds of Carboplatin and is enrolled on a Study at University of Wisconsin at Madison. We want to share our story with others.
Thurston's journal of osteosarcoma treatment
MY REVIEW INSTAGRAM Hoomama read book and she was laughing and crying and calling us Jerry. Now she is on a kick about making us “BE MORE DOG”. I keep telling her I am already more dog, I am all the dog I am going to be, and that is plenty dog enough! Raffie is telling her to BE MORE HOOMAMA, stop reading books and go get us some Blue Bunny Ice Cream!
This is MINE and my Hoomama’s reviews of the new book by Jim and Rene. We luffed it and we are waiting for Wyatt’s story now! Now… Its time to get to really important stuff about MEEEEE!
Today is my 18 months AMPUVERSARY
Look at this!!! Its a BLUE BUNNY Kinda day and I luff it! There is just not enuff Blue Bunny Ice Cream in my life! Yesterday Hoomama found a Blue Bunny ice cream SAMMICH but SHE ate it! Said she had to test it first… sure Mom… I will wait… she always comes thru for me.
My Hoomama is STILL CRAZY, but in a good way and I luff that about her. We have sooo much to be thankful for and we are indeed GRATEFUL for all we have. Especially Mom is grateful she still has MEEEEE! (and Raffie, too, I guess… is he a REAL dog?)
Luff, hair and slobber to all and BE MORE DOG, everyone!
Gotcha Day #1 when my Hoomama found me and brought me home.I am sooooo cute I can hardly stand myself!This is meeeee today Gotcha #7 and I am still so cute I can hardly stand it!My Hoomama got meeee (and Raffie, I suppose) a WHOLE LOT of treats – NOTE THE BLUE BUNNY!!
Hi Everyone, its MEEEEE and this is my #7 Gotcha Day and I am soooo HOPPY to be celebrating it with my Hoomama who just loves me way too much!! Look at all those treats she got for me (and my big brother)!
I am doing really well and the doctors at University of Wisconsin now say I don’t have to come back for 6 months for my study recheck and Xray. That would be in March but my Hoomama is so coo coo crazy she told them NO WAY could she wait that long and she made the appointment for January. I keep telling her I am ok and she doesn’t need to worry but she said NO WAY, so I am hoping it will be cold and snowy so I can wait til March! Mom will make me go anyhow, but I will get McDonalds and maybe even Dairy Queen. I am always looking at the bright side – if Mom takes me earlier she will have to PAY for it cause its off the study, so MAYBE she will change her mind? Nooooo!
My Hoomama is a real helicopter pawrent. The other day I was at Day Care and I caught her sneaking a drive-by to see how I was doing. Its shameful that she feels the need to do that but I kinda like it! She is funny, isn’t she!
Life as a Tripawd is good! I hop forward, take 2 steps with my back legs and hop forward again. I have pretty good speed but my endurance isn’t great. Thank heavens I never much wanted to run and I hated going for walks. I can get where I WANT to go really well. If its to the vet, well, I have to stop and rest a few times on the way from the car! I am a real con artist. Mom knows it and she plays along.
Looking forward to my Thanksgiving turkey and baked sweet potatoes. I think about food a lot! Especially Blue Bunny Ice Cream.
Hope everyone has a great holiday! Love and sloppy kisses to all my friends. Chat with you soon!
Meeeeeee and him… my big brother who THINKS he’s ALPHA dogPortrait of MEEEE with Hoomom’s new iPhone 11 Pro MaxWaiting (Im)patiently for Hoomom to feed us!
Hello its Meeeee and I am 17 months post surgery! We were at UW on 10/9 and I am still without any signs of cancer recurrence!!! I also lost about 9 pounds cause Hoomama is getting very strict with the food and treats. She is insane. Just because SHE is too fat doesn’t mean I am! My Gotcha day is coming up on November 1, and I am looking forward to a new futon – the one I should have got for my birthday… Mom got HERSELF a new car and I got cake and Blue Bunny but NO NEW FUTON.
I am feeling really good and my team at UW is pleased with how I am doing. I am a happy dog who is enjoying my life and living the Tripawd dream. BE MORE DOG!!!
This is my birthday celebration! Stickers for my wall “BE MORE DOG” it says but I AM already, then meee, my cake that Hoomama made me and my Birthday Dinner from Portillo’s that mom had to FEED me bite by bite so I wouldn’t gulp it downWhat I do to torture my older brother. I got him good!!
Hello Everyone it’s meeee and I MADE IT to 7 years old!!!!! HOPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEEEE!! My Hoomama is doing the Hoppy Dance and she is soooo grateful to The Lord, to University of Wisconsin, to the Tripawds Community, to EVERYBODY! She is so annoying!
Its sooo embarrassing when she goes around telling everyone what a wonderful dog I am and how she is sooo blessed to have me in her life. For Heaven’s sake, where else would I possible go to get treated like she treats me?!!
8/31 was my 7th Birthday and Hoomama did what she does best. Got me treats!! I got stickers for my car. I have 3 huge 10 inch paws on EACH SIDE of my car and she got me stickers for my wall so I have 3 paws over my futon AND a 2 foot long DOG BONE STICKER that says, “Be More Dog” on it! She had that made special for meeee. I don’t know why… I think I am plenty more dog already!!! LOL! WOOF! WOOF!
Rene a Tripawd made mom a beautiful pendant and tags for me and my Big Brother, Raffie. Mom said to say this stuff can be ordered from Rene’s Etsy Shop (she said the address is somewhere on the Tripawds site) Hoomama is not real good with posting links. Best of all, she got me the MOST IMPORTANT presents of all – CAKE AND BLUE BUNNY ICE CREAM!!!! YIPEEEE! I was so hoppy that I slimed my big brother (I do that a lot). It was a real good day. I got dinner from Portillos too! Mom had to give it to me a bite at a time to keep me from gulping it down too fast… I have trouble controlling that, you know… sometimes I eat so fast I forget to chew and then I get sick and make a mess for Hoomama to clean up – woof! woof! Ha Ha Ha.
Guess what?? I got up this morning and was greeted by another plate of cake and more BLUE BUNNY ice cream – for breakfast! I was hopping all around I was so excited! I just couldn’t believe it! That Blue Bunny is the BEST!
We go back to UW for my recheck on October 9, so please, everyone continue to pray for good results. Hoomama is already planning my celebration for Gotcha Day #7 (Nov. 1 for me). It’s real nice that she does this but honestly I am looking for a little more variety in these celebrations. I think its time we take that trip to Hawaii so I can hop around in the ocean… or maybe it’s time for me to get a LITTLE brother… Hoomama has been showing me pictures of French Bulldogs. I do NOT think they look like they are big enough to “BE MORE DOG”. They are cute but I do not want one.
Have a great Labor Day everyone! I will post more when when I have news! WOOF! WOOF!
Hello! It’s meeee again with good news from my doctor visit today. Dr. Magee at University of Wisconsin says my chest X-Ray is normal! and that I am doing really well! My weight is 157 pounds so I am down about 4 pounds! Wheehoo! My Hoomama is sooo hoppy she promised me the Blue Bunny will bring me ice cream to celebrate. But she said NOT TODAY! I did get my usual McDonalds, tho.
My celebration dinner, Its McDonalds!!! Hoomama loves me!
My one year CHEMOVERSARY was 7/26 so I got a special dinner (as always) but NO Blue Bunny Ice Cream! Sometimes I think Mom forgets – on purpose – because of my weight.
My BIRTHDAY IS August 31 and I will be 7 YEARS OLD! MY Hoomama AND my Oncologist are sure.
I AM GONNA MAKE IT! Mom has already started working on my presents! She loves me sooo much that she always gives me lots of goodies! Here’s the first of my many gifts to come! This was already MY car, but now Mom is decorating it! She is also gonna decorate the wall above my bed, but she hasn’t given me that stuff yet. PAWTY TIME 8/31 and there WILL BE cake and Blue Bunny! More news soon! Love and sloppy kisses from MEEEEE! More news soon – more gifts and BIRTHDAY PAWTY with HATS!
10 inch paws on the side of my car! of course there’s 3 of them!